Eyes on the US - The Impressive Scope of Remanufacturing

Eyes on the US

The Impressive Scope of Remanufacturing

Tuesday 4 April 2023

For many, remanufacturing may be associated with the automotive and heavy-duty industries. But in reality remanufacturing occurs in a variety of industries which include consumer products, medical equipment, and imaging products and consumables. Join us as we hear from leaders from these diverse industries discuss the ‘state-of-play’ in their respective sectors, how the policy landscape is shaping the transition to greater circularity, how remanufacturing has the capability to meet regional needs through product and business adaptability, and the future outlook of remanufacturing.


Speaker Line-up


Rajiv Ramchandra


Rajiv Ramchandra is the founder of Recreate India Research Foundation (Re:CREATe). In 2020 Re:CREATe received the prestigious ‘Reman of the Year’ Award.

John Chalifoux

Keynote speaker

John Chalifoux is the chief sustainability officer for MEMA and the chief operating officer of MEMA Aftermarket Suppliers.

Jeffrey Stukenborg

Jeffrey Stukenborg is the Head of Global Reman Engineering at ZF Group (Michigan, USA) and Chair of the Remanufacturing Industries Council headquartered in Rochester, NY.

Shawn Zwicker

Shawn recently returned to Cummins remanufacturing (ReCon) as the global leader for the business. Prior to returning Shawn spent 4 years leading global operations for Cummins Filtration.

P.T. Muldoon

CRP Automotive Director of Engineering P.T. Muldoon is also chairman of the Technology & Operations Council of MERA – The Association for Sustainable Manufacturing.