Show closing statement

The international remanufacturing professional was treated to a full service remanufacturing event in RAI Amsterdam this week with ReMaTec2015. Next to 240 exhibitors from 25 countries and visitors from 71 countries, making the trade show bigger than ever, prestigious side events such as ICoR, World Reman Summit and Circular Economy Seminar were situated right next to the show floor.

Combined with the Big R/ReMaTecUSA show in Las Vegas and ReMaTecNews, the ReMaTec brand has established itself as the global market leader in its field, providing the perfect platform for news, knowledge, networking and last but not least business.

"The visitors included all the major original equipment manufacturers worldwide, with an even higher percentage of top level executives than in previous years," said Niels Klarenbeek, Manager ReMaTec, "We are very proud to see that we welcomed a truly focused and international audience to the show."


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