What's in a Name?
What's in a Name?
Strategy and conceptEquipment and parts

What's in a Name?

The industry should be applauding the six trade associations which have come together to work out the common definitions of basic reman terms: their hard work will make everyone’s lives easier.

Being able to put a name to something means you can identify it: being able to do that leads to understanding of it – and if you can understand what something is then you can begin to accept its importance. This is why it is so heartening that six leading reman associations with members in the automotive sector have reached common definitions of basic reman terms. It represents a tremendous leap for the industry when it comes to raising awareness of, and confidence in, remanufactured products. The European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA), Motor & Equipment Remanufacturers Association (MERA), Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association (APRA), Automotive Parts Remanufacturers National Association (ANRAP), International Federation of Engine Remanufacturers and Rebuilders (FIRM) and Remanufacture Committee of China Association of Automobile Manufactures (CPRA) are to be congratulated in putting their heads together in this sensible way. “For many years, the lack of a common understanding within the sector has led to vigorous debate, misunderstandings and lack of a unified movement, ”believes CLEPA president Roberto Vavassori. That should not be a problem from now on: if everyone in the industry uses these terms going forward, then the people who make the decisions which influence and affect reman – politicians and policymakers across the world – will have no excuse for not knowing what reman is and why it is so important to the economy. Everyone who is worried about competition from the ‘spray and pray’ side of the market should embrace these definitions wholeheartedly. John Chalifoux, president and chief operating officer of MERA, talked of how these will “further help the industry communicate the quality, value and sustainability benefits of remanufactured goods”. That can only be a good thing. To finish, it is worth thinking about one of the definitions of the word ‘definition’ itself: it means ‘distinctness in outline’. Following the work of the reman associations, we will all be able to see more clearly.

Get the meaning: those two new reman definitions in full

Remanufacturing process

A standardized industrial process* by which cores are returned to same-as-new, or better, condition and performance. The process is in line with specific technical specifications, including engineering, quality and testing standards. The process yields fully warranted products.


A previously sold, worn or non-functional product or part, intended for the remanufacturing process. During reverse logistics, a core is protected, handled and identified for remanufacturing to avoid damage and to preserve its value. A core is not waste or scrap and is not intended to be reused before remanufacturing.

European trade associations have already agreed the following:

Remanufactured part

It fulfils a function which is at least equivalent compared to the original part. It is restored from an existing part (core), using standardised industrial processes in line with specific technical specifications. A remanufactured part is given the same warranty as a new part and it clearly identifies the part as a remanufactured part and states the remanufacturer.

*An established process, which is fully documented and capable to fulfil the requirements established by the remanufacturer


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