ReMaTec research winners announced
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ReMaTec research winners announced

New research by ReMaTec and management consultancy Kemény Boehme & Company has revealed the variety and extent of remanufacturing activity across a range of business sectors. Respondents to the survey, which was carried out at ReMaTec 2017 in Amsterdam as well as online and on social media, came from North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. More than 90 responses were received, with each respondent eligible for a prize for taking the time to participate. Chosen at random from the survey respondents, they each receive a €50 Amazon voucher. The three winners are:

- Richard Catley, engineer, Ricoh UK Products

- Jirka Horvath, senior operations manager, ZF

- Dirk Schultz, service solution engineer, Getrag

The research covered the markets in which they operate, as well as detailed questions about products and processes, and basic industry issues such as reverse logistics and warranties. While respondents suggest that automotive reman will stagnate or decline, sectors such as marine and aerospace are set to grow in importance.


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