Getting help from an expert
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Getting help from an expert

A popular feature of the previous edition of Rematec, the Meet the Expert sessions were expanded across the three days, giving visitors the chance to tap into the experience of senior figures across the industry, in an informal setting.

Hanno Grosseschmidt, managing director of Encory, talked about doing business with OEMS, while Jianjun Xie, secretary general of the China Parts Remanufacturing Association, offered his tips on working in the country. Other experts included Nardo Stremmelaar of Motoplat (testing & diagnostics), Francesco Maltoni of RWTH Aachen University (battery pack reman), John Chalifoux of MERA (advanced marketing) and SBS Ecoclean’s Matthew Cooper (parts cleaning technology).

The three parties have initiated the new automotive parts remanufacturing show within AAG, a large established annual show at the Guangzhou World Trade Center, with approximately 1,200 exhibitors. Sinomachint has a strong reputation as powerful exhibition organiser in the Chinese aftermarket, being the driving force behind not only AAG but Automechanika Shanghai (a joint venture with Messe Frankfurt). CPRA forms the reman chapter of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturing. Its membership consists of licensed parts remanufacturing companies, whose business includes rotating electrics, engines, turbochargers and automatic transmissions.


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