TreadWright Gets Green Award
Industry players and markets

TreadWright Gets Green Award

TreadWright Tires has been given an environmental award to mark its reman work.

The US group has won Business Intelligence Group’s BIG Award for Business: Green Company of the Year2016. “Sustainability has always been a key element to TreadWright’s business strategy,” says Anthony Showen, CEO of TreadWright. The award was given “for its efforts in providing durable, sustainable, remanufactured tires at an affordable price, minimizing the environmental impact of the millions of tires and tire compounds thrown out each year in the US”, the firm says.

Production is at the company’s facility in Houston, Texas. TreadWright uses the same mould cure process as traditional manufacturers of OEM tires. “Modern companies are now relying on their customers for inspiration and direction to improve and launch new products,” says Russ Fordyce, MD of Business Intelligence. The awards are judged by business executives using a scoring system which seeks to measure performance across a range of business areas.


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