Salvador Munoz Zarate: in memorium
Industry players and markets

Salvador Munoz Zarate: in memorium

The remanufacturing world has been shocked by the death of Salvador Munoz Zarate, Wabco stalwart and former Remanufacturer of the Year (RotY). He passed away at the age of 46 on 1 February after contracting cancer. He leaves a wife and three children.

Salvador held various leadership positions at WABCO, and in a statement the company said: “It is with great sadness that we inform you that our colleague and friend Salvador has passed away…. On behalf of all of us here at WABCO, we have taken the liberty of sending out to his family our most heartfelt condolences and sympathy.”

His funeral took place on 9 February in Etterbeek, Belgium.

General manager at WABCO Reman Solutions, he was awarded the ReMaTec RotY trophy in 2017 for his work in lobbying policymakers worldwide on behalf of the reman industry. He shared the award with Peter Bartel of Circular Economy Solutions in recognition of their joint efforts.

Salvador was passionate about the industry, generous with his time and devoted to his family. A full appreciation of his life and work will appear in the next edition of ReMaTecNews magazine. If you would like to contribute your thoughts and memories, please email them to the editor, Adam Hill, at and we will include as many as we can.


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