Laurent Subra
Industry players and markets

Rematec on tour... to France

Welcome to our new monthly column at Rematec, where we bring you a unique perspective on the global remanufacturing industry. Each month, one of our local sales agents will take you on a journey to their home country, providing insights into the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the remanufacturing market. This month, we turn our focus to France and welcome Laurent Subra, our dedicated sales agent in the region.

Could you share some interesting facts and figures about the remanufacturing market in your region, such as its size, potential, and which segments are growing or doing excepcional?

Laurent Subra: The French remanufacturing market is booming and worth several billion euros. It is made up of players of varying sizes, from multinationals like Valeo and Forvia, to SME like LRPI or DEPA.

MOBILIANS, France's leading employers' organization and trade union for the automotive industry's service professions, has decided to integrate this new remanufacturing branch on January 1, 2024. This branch already includes some fifty companies, and is keen to welcome new members.

What trends and developments do you see in your country?

Laurent Subra: PIEC (Parts from the Circular Economy) is an important factor in the development of the Remanufacturing business in France. Indeed, since the introduction of the AGEC law and successive decrees on PIEC, the use of PIEC by repairers for 4-wheeled vehicles and motorized 2-wheeled vehicles has grown considerably.

The appropriation of PIEC by users is gaining ground, and insurers are communicating strongly on the positive use of PIEC. The demand for PIEC is growing, and remanufacturers are expanding their product range, from traditional mechanical parts to electronic parts and services (e.g. rims).

What can we expect from your country/ exhibitors at Rematec (products or innovation) according to the latest developments in the country?

Laurent Subra: MOBILIANS will be present at Rematec for the first time with a full stand of 80m2 with 6 main exhibitors: LPI / DEPA / COTROLIA / BE ENERGY / OPTHM-HA/ FAURECIA CLARION.

Some Mobilians affiliates like VALEO and the REMAKERS (REFACTORY Renault) will have their own separate stand.

The French exhibitors are highly motivated to take part in the Rematec Exhibition, which they see as the key-exhibition for remanufacturing in Europe.

A participation at Rematec will enable French exhibitors to showcase their expertise and to raise the profile of the Reman industry abroad.

Who are interesting exhibitors at Rematec Amsterdam to you, and could you share a quote from one?

Laurent Subra: “Business, Business and Business are the main expectations of Rematec’s exhibitor LRPI !!!“

Julien Dubois, co-president of LRPI alongside Jean Michel Guarneri, is also the elected President of the Remanufacturing business line at MOBILIANS. As such, Julien Dubois sees Rematec as a unique opportunity to promote French-style REMANUFACTURING outside France, as part of a development strategy in Europe, where MOBILIANS is also active.


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