Deutsche Turbo presented its new turbocharger reman services at Rematec 2017

Deutsche Turbo presented its new turbocharger reman services at Rematec 2017

Equipment and partsProcess and technology

Deutsche Turbo presented its new turbocharger reman services at Rematec 2017

With lean structures, efficient process management and a high tech machinery park, Deutsche Turbo’s focus is on serial manufacturing of reman turbochargers for the OES automotive, heavy duty vehicles, off highway and engine industries. Deutsche Turbo presented its new service concept at ReMaTec 2017 in Amsterdam from June 18-20.

The in September 2016 opened 4,700 m² production and warehouse facilities in Lingen, North West Germany, are designed to increase capacity from 25,000 turbochargers in 2017 up to 100,000 units annually within three years. The company has invested in state-of-the-art testing and remanufacturing machinery allowing for large-scale and highly-automated production as well as an outstandingly high recycling share. Thanks to the use of latest technology, Deutsche Turbo is able to reduce the use of new spare parts to a minimum. Intelligent system integration with customers ensures process optimisation on both ends. An additional service that Deutsche Turbo offers to its customers is in depth core management.

‘Quality made in Germany’ is not only anchored in the company’s name, but it is also validated by quality management systems to meet strong supplier criteria. Deutsche Turbo has been certified according to DIN ISO 9001:2015. IATF 16949 and environmental certification according to DIN ISO 14001 are planned for 2017.

With its industrial production of reman turbochargers, Deutsche Turbo responds to the global trend towards circular economy. Deutsche Turbo supports the automotive and other industries to provide their customers with cost effective, quality-oriented and sustainable solutions within their product lifecycles. The growing number of turbochargers in the market gives a new dimension to the circular economy approach of many businesses. Deutsche Turbo’s vision is to support the industry with know-how and innovative solutions.

Being part of Munich-based SERCOO Group with six companies in motor and plant maintenance as well as in energy, repowering and turbocharger business, Deutsche Turbo has strong partners and integrated know-how in a wide range of services for systems and engines.


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